Everything Sprouts

Fresh, Crisp, and Living Sprouts

Everything Sprouts Distinction

A Legacy of Excellence

Our dedicated team of sprout specialists uses techniques passed down through five generations of Taiwanese sprouters. We keep a tight team of fourteen growers–some who have been here for over 30 years–that genuinely care about the quality of sprouts we produce.

Everything Sprouts Hydroponic Growing

Hydroponic Growing

Because our fresh, crisp sprouts are raised hydroponically, we can grow without exhausting the land. No soil means no land degradation and a greater yield. Our sprouts grow in pure Minnesota water for some of the highest quality sprouts in the nation.

Our Service Area

Everything Sprouts supplies delicious bean, green, and boutique sprouts to Minnesota, western Wisconsin and northern Iowa–with plans to expand!

Our Sprouts

Everything Sprouts offers a variety of fresh, crisp, and living sprouts.

Mungbean Sprouts

Mung Bean Sprouts

Bean Sprouts

Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli Sprouts

Green Sprouts

Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa Sprouts

Green Sprouts

Onion Sprouts

Onion Sprouts

Boutique Sprouts

Radish Sprouts

Radish Sprouts

Boutique Sprouts

Red Clover Sprouts

Clover Sprouts

Boutique Sprouts

Our Sprout Blends

Interested in mixing things up? Check out our wide varieties of blends:

Blends 2

Broccoli + Alfalfa

Alfalfa + Radish

Garlic + Alfalfa

Clover + Broccoli

Alfalfa + Peas + Lentils

Alfalfa + Fenugreek + Lentil + Cabbage

Everything Sprouts On Fork

Benefits of Sprouts

Sprouts are the newest supertool in health and wellness, with their unique makeup and high nutrient values. Not only can sprouts improve your protein intake but also improve your digestion of carbohydrates. They are packed with nutrients like:

Vitamin K

Vitamin C

Vitamin A

B Vitamins like folate, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, and thiamin





These young greens are full of nutritious flavor rich in minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. The 5-7 day-old seed sprouts are more nutritionally dense than fully grown vegetables. For instance, a single cup of broccoli sprouts has as much nutritional benefit as fifty cups of broccoli!

The Roots of Everything Sprouts

Calco Sprouts was founded in 1991 in Minneapolis Minnesota by fifth-generation mung bean sprouters from Japan. Pyramid Sprouters was a small family run sprouter founded in 1979 in Rockford Minnesota just off the Crow River.

Calco Sprouts and Pyramid Sprouts now live happily under the umbrella of Everything Sprouts, LLC. The original founders of Calco and the family run Pyramid Sprouters still serve as consultants to Everything Sprouts. They are in close contact with new owners, who are passionate and committed to continuing what was started with Calco Sprouts and Pyramid Sprouters.

Everything Sprouts - All Brands
Mungbean Sprouts

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